Activity 1: Project Management
Activity 1 contains the typical project management tasks like project start, (technical) coordination, dissemination and project closure as well as Quality and Risk management and financial and administrative coordination. The duration of Activity 1 typically lasts for the entire project lifetime and, related to the submission of the final report and financial statement, even beyond that.
Main objective of this SuAc is to agree on all relevant aspects related to the organisation, structure and content of the project including clearly defined objectives, responsibilities and other relevant issues to guarantee an efficient and successful execution of the project based on common understanding and awareness.
The sub-activity has to define, after analysing the risks and the consequences, mitigation measures to overcome or reduce risk. The project coordinator will actually carry out the control measures and who is responsible for the implementation.
Main objective of this SuAc is to support the project, the project coordinator, national coordinators and PMT on the administrative and financial work.
The main objective of the technical coordinator is the monitoring the technical progress, reporting the progress to the project coordinator and advising on measures to be taken.
Activity 2: Business Developments
Main objective of this Activity is to monitor the progress of the SuAcs, to identify the need for action and to set appropriate measures in order to ensure an efficient execution (in time and within agreed quality) of these (Sub) Activities. The SuAcs will lead to five studies and this activity will integrate these studies into one report on business developments.
The objective of this SuAc is to describe the business developments regarding Smart Shipping with focus on:
- The services, information processes and information requirements related to traffic, transport and logistics that are in a development phase.
- Consequences for data and information needs.
The objective of this SuAc is to describe the business developments regarding Synchro modality with focus on:
- The services, information processes and information requirements related to traffic, transport and logistics that are in a development phase.
- Consequences for data and information needs.
The objective of this SuAc is to describe the business developments regarding port and terminal Information Systems with focus on:
- The services, information processes and information requirements related to traffic, transport and logistics that are in a development phase.
- Consequences for data and information needs.
The objective of this SuAc is to describe the business developments regarding RIS enabled Corridor Management, with focus on:
- The services, information processes and information requirements related to traffic, transport and logistics that are in a development phase.
- Consequences for data and information needs.
The objective of this SuAc is to describe the business developments regarding ITS, ERTMS, e-Nav, with focus on:
- The services, information processes and information requirements related to traffic, transport and logistics that are in a development phase and are relevant to IWT.
- Consequences for data and information needs.
Activity 3: Technological Developments
Main objective of this Activity is to monitor the progress of the SuAcs, to identify the need for action and to set appropriate measures in order to ensure an efficient execution (in time and within agreed quality) of these (Sub) Activities. The SuAcs will lead to five studies and this activity will integrate these studies into one report on technological developments.Five studies on the technological developments will be executed that will stimulate IWT and put requirements on the Digitalisation of IWT and the Masterplan Digitalisation of Inland waterways.
The objective of this SuAc is to describe the new technological developments on the digital transformation with focus on a set of proposals for integral and harmonised technological solutions for the (future) business developments related to the digital transformation of Inland Waterways for each development.
The objective of this SuAc is to describe the new technological developments on the IWT connectivity platform on the digital transformation with focus on a set of proposals for integral and harmonised technological solutions for the (future) business developments related to the digital transformation of Inland Waterways for each development.
The objective of this SuAc is to describe the new technological developments on Smart Sensoring including Positioning, Navigation and Timing (PNT) on the digital transformation with focus on a set of proposals for integral and harmonised technological solutions for the (future) business developments related to the digital transformation of Inland Waterways for each development.
The objective of this SuAc is to describe the new technological developments on IWT Information model and registryon the digital transformation with focus on a set of proposals for integral and harmonised technological solutions for the (future) business developments related to the digital transformation of Inland Waterways for each development.
The objective of this SuAc is to describe business developments in road, rail and maritime transport that may be useful in IWT.
Activity 4: Facilitation topics
Main objective of this Activity is to monitor the progress of the SuAcs, to identify need for action and to set appropriate measures in order to ensure an efficient execution (in time and within agreed quality) of these (Sub) Activities. The SuAcs will lead to four studies and this activity will integrate these studies into one report on facilitators.Four studies on the facilitators will be executed that will stimulate IWT and puts requirements on the Digitalisation of IWT and the Masterplan Digitalisation of Inland waterways.
The objective of this SuAc is to describe the relevant standards in relation to IWT and business developments (activity 2) and technological developments (activity 3)
The objective of this SuAc is to give an overview of obligations and restrictions but also advise on measures to be taken in the context of the Masterplan Digitalisation of Inland Waterways.
The objective of this SuAc is the elaboration of a study including the risk and vulnerability assessment has to lead to an advice on measures for prevention, detection and reaction to secure the information and technique to be taken to avoid or limit the consequences of cyber-attacks on the processes in the transport and logistic chain and includes:
- What measures should be taken to prevent cyber incidents;
- What measures should be taken in order to continue business in the event of loss of information or service functionality;
- What steps should be taken to realise/identify a security attack and when it is observed;
- What measures should be taken to recover information and vital systems immediately when the disastrous event has occurred.
The objective of this SuAc is to provide pre-conditions and requirements on data quality management related to IWT services, systems, information and data to be taken in account in the context of the Digitalisation of Inland Waterways.
Activity 5: Masterplan
Main objective of this Activity is to create a joint, integral digitalisation strategy for Inland Waterways under responsibility of the participating fairway authorities ready for implementation in the period 2022 till 2032.
The objective of this SuAc is to present a harmonised vision on the digitalisation on IWT
The objective of this SuAc is to elaborate a roadmap on the digital transformation initiatives including the basic impact on the organisational, financial, technical and operational and regional consequences. Prioritisation is done in cooperation with the stakeholders and based on business value and the positioning of the fairway authorities.
The objective of this SuAc is to define technical, financial, organisational, operational and regional consequences for the scenarios in the roadmap. The scenarios can therefore be used as proposals for new projects.
Activity 6: Stakeholder Engagement
The main objective of this activity is to engage the stakeholders of IWT in Europe and to disseminate the (intermediate)results of the Action on national and international level in order to create considerable awareness for this Action and create commitment for the achieved results as well as for the digital transition of Inland Waterways in particular.
The objective of this SuAc is to clarify how to engage the stakeholders of IWT in Europe and to disseminate the (intermediate)results of the Action on national and international level.
The objective of this SuAc is to involve stakeholders in the development of the vision and the roadmap related to the digital transition and to provide their input and comments on the business developments as studied in activity 2.
The business reference group will have in particular a role in the audit of the business related secondary and primary milestones as produced in activity 2 and the sub-activities 5.1 and 5.2 of the Masterplan.
As with sub-activity 6.2 the objective of this SuAc is to involve stakeholders in the development of the vision and the roadmap related to the digital transition and to provide their input and comments on the technological developments as studied in activity 3.
The technological reference group will have in particular a role in the audit of the technological related secondary and primary milestones as produced in activity 3 and the sub-activities 5.1 and 5.2 of the Masterplan for the (technical) consequences
The objective of this SuAc is visualisation and creating awareness of the effects on digital transition for the stakeholder’s business facilitated by producing an animation, simulation and/or serious game.
The objective of this SuAc is the dissemination and exploitation of (intermediate) results to IWT users, fairway authorities not directly involved in the project and the general public.