Interoperability between transport modes is a major challenge in the current logistic world. To meet this challenge, digitalisation and by extension a digital transformation of business processes at all stakeholders in IWT seems to be required. In this context also IWT requires a digital transition of the business processes of stakeholders in IWT. An essential pre-condition for this digital transition is the availability of digitalised Inland Waterways information. The result of the project “Masterplan Digitalisation Inland Waterways” or DIWA is expected to become an essential reference for the Digitalisation of Inland Waterways by the participating Fairway Authorities in the upcoming decade.

Masterplan Digitalisation Inland Waterways

Navigating the future


In the figure ‘Navigating the Future’ relevant topics are shown about Inland Waterborne Transport and digitalisation in the upcoming years. You can hoover over the figure to get more details and a link towards the findings of the projects.

The Masterplan DIWA has published reports about several digitalisation topics. Information on the individual actvities including the studies can be accessed here:

The complete collection of documents is available here.

Please make use of the documents, conclusions and proposed measures. For further information you can contact the Masterplan DIWA project.